Emerald Angels of the Gulf Coast

Emerald Angels
of the Gulf Coast
Chapter of the 99s

The Ninety-Nines is the international organization of women pilots that promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.

The New Generation of Women Pilots



Sponsoring educational and safety programs for our community



Offering scholarships for females through the chapter and the International Women Pilots Organization


Mutual Support

Working together to provide support, encouragement, and mentoring for women aspiring to become a pilot or advance their training



Find information about our future meetings and events.



Take a peek at some of the past events we have been involved in.


Get Involved

Interested in membership or volunteering?

Our Leadership

Board of Directors


Carol Voss

Vice Chairman

Barb Drake

Cross country solo


Jessica DeCorte


Katrina McLeod

Southeast Section Meeting Fall 2024

September 6-8, 2024

Host – Georgia Flying Bells

Hilton Virginia Avenue – Atlanta

The Georgia Flying Bells Chapter is excited to be hosting the 2024 Fall SE Section Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia

Fly your own plane, fly in commercial, or drive. There will be plenty of fun and educational aviation activities, and of course food! It will be a great way to get to know your 99 sisters.

Registering for the Fall SE Section Meeting is easy by visiting

SE Section Information Page.

Activities begin Friday with registration from noon through 1600. The board meeting will be held at the Delta Airline Campus from 1700-1800. Enjoy the evening social event at the Kimpton Overland which begins at 1830 and will be followed by a silent auction in the hospitality suite until 2100.

Saturday’s events include a Southeast Section Business meeting held at the Delta Airline Campus from 0900 through 1200. Enjoy a catered lunch from Chick-fil-a and then we well walk over to the Delta Flight Museum from 1200 – 1230. Enjoy the tour of the Delta Flight Museum from 1230 – 1400. Transportation for dinner provided and loading begins at 1600 to Mallard’s Landing Airpark where you will enjoy a BBQ dinner until 2000 when we head back to the hotel. The silent auction will continue until 2100 when the hospitality suite closes.


See you there!

Chapter Meetings & Events

Now through December 31, 2024 – 5K Virtual Walk-Run

Our goal is to promote aviation for women of all ages and backgrounds by providing aviation scholarships that assist with expenses related to learning to fly or to further one’s training.


This event is open to anyone of any age, gender, and skill level that would like to contribute to the future of women pilots. You may complete the 5K Walk-Run anytime, anywhere, day or night. You may walk, jog, run, or any combination. You can complete the 5K in your own neighborhood, on a trail, on a treadmill, at the mall, or anywhere you choose. Everyone can participate regardless of skill level because you can split the 5K into smaller increments spread out over time or complete it all at once. You can chose to track or not track your 5K. It is about getting out there and moving while supporting aviation scholarships.


  • Register for the virtual 5k here
  • Complete your 5k by March 31, 2024 
  • Share your experience with us on Instagram at #EAGC99s or upload a picture to runsignup.com


  • Be safe
  • Sign up as a family or with a group of friends
  • Plan a route if you complete the 5k outdoors
  • Complete the 5k when it works for you
  • Have fun!

July 2024 – Summer Break – No Meeting

9:30 am – The Emerald Angels of the Gulf Coast 99s Chapter will meet at Innisfree Jet Center located at the Pensacola International Airport. Our guest speaker, Terri Bazacos is one of our very own members.

The EAGC chapter will be taking a break from meeting in July due to the many planned summer activities each of the members will be involved in. But, if you are available, there is a fly-in to the Roy Cox airport (541) for a Safety Seminar and lunch from 10:00 am through 3:00 pm. Dan Gryder will be the guest speaker at noon speaking on the topic of “Staying Alive.” A $10 donation per person is requested. Lunch includes hamburgers and hot dogs. There will be door prizes for attendees to possibly win. This event is hosted by the South Alabama Flying Club. Plan to attend and see your fellow 99s as well as meet many new aviators!

August 17, 2024 Annual Chapter Picnic

Join us for a fun filled day of boating, BBQ, and splashing in the water with our families on the Perdido Bay in Pensacola. Yes, bring your spouse, significant partner, and children. Plan to bring a side dish to share with everyone, your own meat to BBQ, and drinks. Plates and silverware to be provided. Bring your inflatable water toys, paddle boards, or boats. We will have a short general meeting following lunch.  Please contact Terri, at eagc99chairman@gmail.com for details and directions to the location.

September 6-8, 2024

2024 Southeast Fall Section Meeting in Atlanta Georgia.


Our Supporters


Thank you for providing spaces for our meetings and events. Your contributions are unmatched and we express our gratitude for the services offered.

Fixed Base Operators
Fixed Base Operators

Thank you to our friends and family who spend countless hours listening to aviation stories and attending aviation events.

Friends & Family
Friends & Family

Thank you to all the businesses who donate their time and products so that we may provide aviation scholarships to women in the local area.
